R.E. Taggart Photography
/photography portfolio

Rob Taggart
Born in USA, 1970​​.
Professional photographer specializing in portraits including fashion, fitness, glamour, boudoir, pinup, and tasteful artistic nudes. I also enjoy capturing senior pictures and I have commissioned a few weddings to add to my portfolio. My goals are to offer the highest quality service with the utmost professionalism and comfort at an affordable price.
Portrait photography yields very positive results. Putting together a photo shoot is creative and fun; but it also builds self-confidence and boosts self-esteem. The photographer-client relationship starts from our initial introduction, where we outline our goals for our project. We communicate with each other from the very beginning, throughout the planning process, during our session(s), and follow-up. The images are archived, reflected upon and often passed on to loved ones. They really make an exceptional gift to yourself or loved ones.
As a child, I enjoyed some film photography, but my true love for the craft became rejuvenated when my daughter was brought into my life. Being in the digital age sparked creative experimentation and learning to use modern digital editing tools. I really felt a desire to capture every available moment that Elyse and my family were together. At some point, I needed to make additional sacrifices to advance my professional healthcare career, which resulted in accepting an open ultrasound clinical applications specialist role in Columbus, OH, three hours away from Pittsburgh, PA., where my family resided. I photograph my daughter and family every chance that I could and many times I stumble across memories though my photos that I surely would have forgotten if not documented. Once in Ohio, I became involved photographing professional women's football and did some work on the sidelines photographing professional female football games with the Columbus Comets and some of the Pittsburgh Passion, where my sister was a team captain and linebacker. I quickly learned sports photography required fast shutter speeds and an expensive long lens to get close to the action with sharp focus. I observed women in a sport that had as much love for the game as men do and seeing them closely from the sidelines put me in a spot where I could hear and capture emotions as they fought to win.
The fitness industry offered more experience work with clients that were in excellent shape, especially around competition time. This clientele would welcome the opportunity to have their physiques documented. This opportunity extended into fashion & glamour, which is creative and fun. I then gained experience shooting boudoir and artistic nude work; both area areas that are more private and intimate in nature, but a genre that I am surprisingly comfortable with and I feel that I can easily put my subjects at ease. When clients have trust and comfort, you can then capture their most favorable moments. Where did this comfort come from? Likely do to an extended history of working in healthcare with patients that were often in a less than comfortable setting and I learned to make a difference for them when it was possible to do so.
Using creative lighting and posing the client effectively is essential for obtaining the most flattering results and positive feedback from clients has been very gratifying, so I intend to continue working in a direction that brings me happiness and provides promising results.
I credit my x-wife, Lisa, for all her loving support and I thank her for referring so many posing suit, spray tanning as well as her ballroom dance referrals, which contributed to my experience and profit. Lisa quite often assisted me during photo shoots; helping clients with makeup, lashes, coordinating outfits, and even even helped with posing with an experienced eye. Lisa has been my muse for many years allowing outside the box creativity and fun when time afforded us to do this together.
Various factors determine my fees: equipment cost/wear and tear, shooting time, studio rental, editing time and travel. I take a lot of pride in being very professional at all times, but have fun at the same time. I have a long list of references that are available upon request.
Please reach out to me regarding any type of idea or concept that you may have. I am eager to explore new ideas, and I like to expand my portfolio whenever I can. You may reach me here or via E-mail at retaggartphotography@gmail.com.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by and feel free to follow me via my social media links.
Thanks again,